Church services uploaded weekly to YouTube.
Pastor Tom Christenson explains the history and meaning of Reformation Day.
The American Lutheran Church located in Castlewood, South Dakota is a member of the NALC or North American Lutheran Church.
Our mission is to welcome, worship, teach, and serve in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Sinners are welcome here. Let us not condemn the world, but let us proclaim that God is forgiveness and grace.
No steps are required to enter the church and the door can be opened automatically for wheelchair accessibility.
Join us after worship services for fellowship! We have an active Youth Group and Sunday School program.
The Mission of the American Lutheran Church is to welcome, worship, teach, and serve in the name of Christ our Lord and Savior!
When the American Lutheran Church was formed in 1945 it was not the first Lutheran church in Castlewood, South Dakota. Scandinavian Lutheran Church was located near the current high school but that church became inactive and did not survive the Great Depression. Later, in 1942, their building was destroyed by a tornadic windstorm that caused much damage throughout the town. The first service for what became known as the American Lutheran Church was held on Wednesday, August 15, 1945 the day after the Japanese surrendered ending World War II. Planning for that first service began a month earlier in the home of William Gantvoort when future parishioners gathered to discuss forming a new Lutheran church in Castlewood.
The latest edition of The Caller is available for download. 2025-4-ALC-The-CallerDownload
The latest edition of The Caller is available for download. 2025-3-ALC-The-CallerDownload